Nicole Mattson, MA, LPC Nicole Mattson is a Licensed Professional Counselor with a Master`s Degree in Counseling Psychology from Felician College. She has over 5 years of experience working in the mental health field with a variety of clients in a hospital setting. She is a Behavioral Health Clinician in an Acute Partial Hospitalization Program, Intensive Outpatient Program, Co-Occurring Disorders Program, as well as a Crisis Intervention Program. She has provided therapy in individual and group settings. Nicole utilizes a wide array of therapeutic treatment approaches which are customized to the needs of the individual client. She is a trained facilitator in Mindfulness practices for self-care and clinical integration. "Symptoms are your body`s way of communicating that healing needs to happen;" allow that healing to happen. Nicole endeavors to manifest self-growth with her clients; to increase self-awareness and support in the healing process through laughter and realism.